Very interesting, brian. I will look at the maps when I get more time but it appears they are using income as one of the criteria and not net worth. Many people with high net worth have a low income and vice versa.
Does this “Map of America” take into account the many folks who take regular draws off tax-free and tax-deferred income and pay no taxes on the draws? Is SS and passive income counted as “income” in the Map of America? What about folks getting $2500 and up per month SSDI? (I know several and they are not required to file tax returns.)
Who has more discretionary income, a passive income citizen in a zero tax bracket who is living in a paid-for residence with Prop 13 tax treatment on =<$50K a year w/1 dep or a worker-bee making $175K-$200K per year as W2 income with 3 deps, who pays 40% of their net income on PITI??