Very interesting discussion.
I think this sentence from the article sums it up.
DeSantis says.
“We tied our self-worth and social stature on what we earned.”
I quit working full time a few years ago to stay at home with our young children. I tied my self worth to my achievements and it was hard to make the change. America values money over happiness. Being aware of our culture has made it easier for us to make decisions that bring us happiness first and money second. Surprisingly, my husband now works 40 hours instead of 80 and has maintained our income.
Here’s my take…
1) Take care of your own health
2)Put your marriage first. Go out on a weekly date. Make time for a great sex life. Take a yearly vacation without kids! Set aside time each week to talk about family/finances/relationship. (I know every guys dream)
2) Put your kids second. Spend one on one time. Do family activities. Find their talents and put them in activities to succeed.
3) Job and making money comes in third
4) Live WAY below your means!!!
5) If your going to outsource something go for the house cleaner.