[quote=Veritas]temeculaguy- The poker game must have ended early or you would not be bothering with us. You should stick to wine recommendations rather than marital advice given your perversity.
No, as a conservative I am not calling the bottom yet on real estate. I think this is a false bottom, brought on by the banks to stabilize the current government and prevent chaos. [/quote]
“Bothering you,” If you must know I go all in on a full boat and find the exit door more often than not but that’s just me, take a poll, I doubt “bother” will be uttered by any of those polled. I have my niche fans, don’t show me the door or they will rise up against you. I’m just playing Veritas.
cardiff, I enjoyed simmons’ meltdown too, he almost needed kg’s knees so he didn’t have to admit the cavs are that much better than his beloved celtics, but they are. Cavs lakers is inevitible, you are cordially invited to watch it in casa de tg or a nuetral sports bar. I await the result of the battle between a god and his henchmen vs a collabortive force, you can root for the god and I’ll back that sacha rains 3s, trevor slashes, odom beats them down, gasol is comsistent and kobe gives king james fits. It’s gonna be great. See you all on the other side, hope crow tastes good with tapatio, for my sake.