SK and Econ. Thanks for the econ. review. You all make my head hurt in a good way. I think you are both brilliant, but the voters will not care. [/quote]
I gotta jump in here and argue this point. At least one of them. You’re right, the voters will not care. They won’t care because absolutely absurd ideas get thrown around as if they have merit.
Creationism is not science. It is fairytale. Global warming is a hoax is not science, it is propaganda advanced by those with financial interest making people believe it is a hoax. Gay marriage is a threat to conventional marriage is hogwash, put forward by bigots. The birther thing never deserved a glimpse of sunlight. And supply-side economics, as promoted by EconProf and others is as empty as any of these. Lowering taxes on the rich, irrespective of the current tax rate on the rich, will not always create jobs, nor be good for the economy. Increasing taxes on the rich, irrespective of the current tax rates on the rich, will not always decrease investment nor cost jobs, nor be bad for the economy.
We can’t have serious discussions when rediculous theories, without basis in fact, are advanced as reasonable talking points. They’re not. I am not supporting censorship, I’m supporting marginalization of stupid ideas. Stupid ideas are too often placed at the table for discussion as rational and supportable options. They’re not. There is no path to progression unless teh stupid is eliminated as an option.