Using Moto Droid 1 for 1.5yrs. Excellent when released but Android 2.2 update causes freezes that is duplicated with many other users and similar phones. Newest phones may have fast processor to handle 2.2-2.3. VWZ acknowledged problem but their only solution was early upgrade. Should have been good offer but all the newer phone have horrible pixel quality – the screen got bigger but kept similar resolution.
The Thunderbolt screen is not great for text. If you used Moto Droid 1,2 or IPhone for reading articles all these “great” new phone displays are woefully inadequate. Even the Moto Droid 3 which is supposed to have qHD display uses a pentile (?) screen which makes text appear pixelated. I hope the Bionic is not going to have same screen otherwise I may sell out for IP5. Apple must have so much supply chain clout that it buys up all the good screens in the world and forces carriers to price the phone at $199 on contract or $450 discount to retail, causing huge losses for carriers in first year. This is why we should just sell our non-producing assets such as houses and buy APPL stock!
As for the carriers make sure where you need to use the phone the signal is sufficient. I noticed that VZW had weak signal in part of Point Loma and Coronado which was confirmed by a few friends. I asked VZW and they of course denied problem but after I gave them a couple random address the network team acknowledged month later that the signal is weak and they would remedy problem. Erect new towers or cancel my contract? You guessed it, cancel my contract! I had looked on some antenna map and it showed no VZW antennas in area and half dozen Sprint antennas. Difficult to believe in two expensive areas of town. Asked if LTE would be better, but VZW downplayed promise of longer range from current antennas.
Yes I know I should get with the program and only use phone to play Angry Birds, watch Netflix or sing along to YouTube videos.