The creative force is not God or a personality. As a matter of fact God is not a personality. Its the animating force that supports all life.
What we see as evolution is simply the creative force working. There is no conflict between the two. Intelligent design is the prime mover, evolution is how it appears to us.
That is an interesting way of coming at things.
More thoughtful than some of the posts I have seen by you.
Please do more like these.
Intelligent conservatives are more fun than dumb liberals (who embarrass me). [/quote]
Thanks, I would rather talk about God, Universe, life then anything. Nothing else is as important or as relevlant. In fact I view the world in that context.
As far as my other posts go, I can understand why you would say that. I am an excellent, way above average communicator in person but I lack the patience to write in the same matter so my posts come across as being incomplete, rough etc.