[quote=urbanrealtor][quote=Casca]Liberals are communists without the guns.[/quote]
I am a liberal. I am not a communist. I am not a communist with or without a gun. I have no interest in a command economy or single party politics or politburo. I have worked in law enforcement and I was born (literally) on an army base on the border with communist eastern europe. I am a free rider in that I have never worked in the military myself.
Is it your assertion that all non-military (or non-combatants for that matter) are free riders?
Would it be your assertion that a draft would be better than having the existing minority fight the existing war?
Also, would it be your assertion that people who do not support the actions of the government are dumb (I think the term you used was “nitwit”)?
Or is it just that war that is the litmus test for un-patriots?
By that logic would the Russians who dodged the draft to avoid being killed by the mujahideen in Afghanistan be un-patriots?
Also, were the continental colonials in the 1770’s not deprived of something that spurred them towards war? I seem to recall something about taxation without representation. Perhaps I misread.
How do you have any idea whether someone loves their country?
Considering that a majority of Americans are not in support of the war, does that mean you don’t care for them?
If so, and if you find your countrymen (as defined by citizenship) so loathesome then why do you love your country? [/quote]
I can see that you’re confused. Allow me to simplify things for you. When Marx wrote, “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his need.” He laid down the boundaries of Marxism. If you believe in achieving this form of government through the barrel of a gun, you’re a communist. If you’d like to vote it in at the ballot box, the constitution be damned, you’re a liberal.
Fifty years after the Warren Court, we’re so lost on the path as a nation, that our constitution has become almost meaningless, and the state may take any action that suits the momentary whim. The fault lies with the people. We’ve become a nation of historical and cultural ignoranimi.
As for this business of the “majority is against the war”. One may say that about any war, but it’s not that simple. It’s clear that those with skin in the game are overwhelmingly FOR the war, and thus has it been ever from Concord to Fallujah. Hell, Lincoln fully expected to be turned out of office by the vote of only the Northern states in the election of 1864. It was the vote of an Army serving in the field that won the election for him.
It’s easy to live the good life in California, sipping wine and eating cheese. How awful this Bush fellow is. Spending American lives to bother that poor fellow Saddam. Let’s see how you feel after the Iranians pop a nuke in LA.
Make no mistake, this war is about keeping the Iranians, and other Moslim whackdoodles, in their box. If you or your sons need not interrupt your lives to play a part, be grateful, and respectful of those who carry the burden for you. Anything less is in a word… unpatriotic.