[quote=upwardspiral]I live on a view lot in Stonebridge. I killed a baby rattlesnake just last week. It is important to note that baby rattlesnakes are much more dangerous than adults. Babies are born with fangs and venom, but do not yet have the ability to control the amount of venom they pump. This is not to say that I would not kill an adult rattle snake. I have two dogs and a very curious 3 year old son. [/quote]
I read somewhere recently that the baby rattlers are more dangerous thing is a myth. It’s true they cannot control their venom, but they have much less venom than an adult, so it’s a wash. One thing is that a baby is much less likely to give you a ” dry” bite, so in that respect, they are more dangerous.
I think it’s interesting how many of us have 3 year olds!