Board member Manjeet Ranu, who represents PHR, said, “This will allow us to get things that make a community a real community and help surrounding communities by not burdening their facilities.”
Frank January, from the city of San Diego, said the transportation and phasing plan includes all of the population-based facilities funded by Facilities Benefit Assessments (FBA) paid by homeowners. These include the neighborhood and community parks, the library, trail systems and a community pool in Black Mountain Ranch.
The phasing plan includes threshold requirements.
“Within the thresholds, development cannot proceed until those facilities are provided,” January said.
That means no more new houses until there are appropriate amenities for the residents that currently live there. January also said the amended financing plan aims to minimize delays as much as possible.
Gonzalez Canyon Neighborhood Park will be the first to be designed and delivered as PHR reaches its first threshold of 1,900 units. January said they have a signed agreement from Pardee Homes as of last week to move forward with reimbursements to design and build that park.