Unless your are absolutely sure you understand what the referral folks are selling you and able to compare it somehow with what is the best you probably should comparison shop and make them compete. Loyalty is for after you know what you are doing and someone delivers, sounds like you have a good jump on it. That is no offense to any referral offers posted here.
Someone once posted that it is a good idea to print your own credit report and get a commitment on that upon verification after you have comparison shopped. Sounds like a good idea.
One thing I wonder about , Rich said his colleague is recommendable, in part, because he didn’t do interest only loans. I wonder why selling that kind of loan would impinge someones credibility? I have enjoyed using them in my small time builder/investor deals. I am in school here too, maybe I should look at that again? Yes I will look at my costs much more closely next time around. I will admit sometimes cash flow comfort is the biggest factor and I will eat costs too, just want to be more careful.