Unemployment hits 8.6% in CA and 6.8% in the USA. More lay-offs are being announced every day. The last 6 years of economic growth is really just massive credit expansion that is now contracting. The trend is markedly downward with strong momentum. But if you’ve got your health, you’ve really got everything. So that’s what eveyone should be feeling good about. Making money happens up and down the cycle. Just play it. Dont judge it.
But I applaud your enthusiasm and positive spin as it will help propell this sucker rally into spring and set-up another fantastic shorting opportunity. It’s a beautiful thing to work the market in both directions.
And for those tracking rents, I’ve been readiing Ward Hannigans’ site lately and both he and Bruce Norris are seeing rents start to cave in Riverside County and some parts of SD county. Worth a read. These guys are pro’s.