[quote=underdose]The real problem is that the country as a whole has been living beyond its means and is now facing the bankruptcy that must occur from these excesses.[/quote]
Now now, underdose. Please don’t talk like that. You now how this kind of talk just makes things worse. Here, take this trillion dollar stimulus and try to cheer up. Both Dr Geithner and Dr Bernanke have already told you, if everyone would just put on their happy face everything would be okay. Now don’t you want to do what the good doctors have told you? I thought so.
Okay, sarcasm off. Face it, Geithner and Bernanke don’t have a clue what’s wrong, and consequently they sure aren’t going to fix this any time soon. For the next couple of years it’s just hand outs for the CEOs at the banks and a continuing decline in the economy.