I don’t think you know enough about her to make the claims you do. Today will be the first time she speaks. Watch her and see what you think about her.
I bet she wouldn’t lie like Hillary did about being shot at by snipers. I also bet she can prove her citizenship unlike Obama. I also bet she wouldn’t run around with racist slobs like that pastor guy or run around with criminals and bombers.
John, I’m sorry but I have to reiterate my point. You clearly didn’t get it the first time. My dislike for Palin does not make me a democrat. I never said I liked Hillary any better. You are just jumping to false assumptions. Attacking Hillary does not gain any ground in refuting my criticisms of Palin.
As for your criticisms of Obama, I agree that his affiliations with Rev. Wright don’t demonstrate the best judgment. I conceded that neither candidate is perfect. But yes, Palin probably would run around with racists, as many evangelicals are. McCain’s affiliations with Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and other religious hate spewers are no less embarrassing. So that one doesn’t help your case either. At best it is a push, at worst the right is more extreme so it’s a mark against you.
Tonight won’t be the first time she speaks. You’re claim that I don’t know enough about her is an error. See my list of bullet points above. We do know quite a lot about her, and the words of her speech tonight will not trump her actions of the past.
Underdose, You don’t know anything about McCain “affiliations” with Pat Robertson or anyone and neither are the Rezko types. I doubt if you don’t even know anything about Robertson that you didn’t read in Newsweek or Time or some network news show.
So Palin is your typical evangelical. Racist. Maybe Palin and Obama’s “typical white woman” Grandmother would get along just fine.