ummm, How many billions of dollars has Merril Lynch lost?
for them to come out now and predict what will happen is tragic. its really to late, the damage is done and for the information to be usefull it would help to publish it BEFORE the crash…not during the event. If my house was on fire, chances are a predition or further burning would be an accurate statement…just not very usefull.
I wonder if Rich, our host of this site has been contacted by ML with a job offer. It seems to me that the site could replace the entire Real Estate analyst team at Merrill, with superior results. I would trust this sites forecast to those of anyone on wall street.
Well, because the forecast thus far have been right on the money.
You guys are awsome and continue to save me big dollars with your common since approach to real estate.
Learning financial stuff is hard, losing a bunch of money is painful.
I’ll take difficult over painfull any day.
The one thing that I am wondering right now is the speed at which prices are dropping.
From the general consensus on the treads most piggs were expecting a slow glid down into oblivion, and them flat for many years.
with December losing 5% in one month, dose this change the model? This might be a race to the bottom faster than expected.