Umm, phaster?? No one here has complained about “Prop 13” so I’m not sure why you took up so much bandwidth here attempting to justify it. My major complaint was about the existence of Props 58 and 193. Without the existence of Prop 58 (voted in November 1986), YOU wouldn’t have been able to “inherit” your parent(s) apt bldg(s) with their ultra-low assessment intact.
I have a few of questions for you:
Are YOU officially disabled pursuant to Social Security Disability guidelines?
Are the bldgs which sit on YOUR parcels “rent-controlled” by local government entities?
Are YOU a 100% disabled veteran pursuant to Veteran’s Administration guidelines?
If your answer is “no” to the above three questions, why do you think you are more deserving of a 50-90% lower tax bill than your neighbors who have FMV assessments (or assessments close to FMV)?
Do you think the “deal” you have with the county assessor’s office is “fair” to your neighboring property owners who own lesser valuable properties than yours but owe much more annual tax on them?
Would YOU have ACTUALLY KEPT your parent’s investment propertie(s) upon your last parent’s death had its/their assessment been stepped up to FMV upon his/her death? Or would you have sold it/them, instead??
As an aside (not important to the Prop 58 issue but just for general info) are YOU actually residing in any of the units you “inherited” from your parent(s)?