PR disaster for QCOM this week. Your explanation is ok (help out PR!), but sound bite is QCOM so greedy. It’s hard to defend with PR because not easily explained to average Joe’s like me and wall street.
QCOM should spend more time selling Snapdragon 625 used in moto z play. 2-3 day battery life, outside of games this is phone for half the crowd. 625 should win an Emmy, but it is buried. Help moto put a better camera sensor and it would be kicking it. I see people at airport standing next to odd closet in corner because they found an outlet to charge their iPhone. 625 solves that, sell it.
Yeah, I know APPL basically steals from suppliers and doesn’t care if they go bankrupt, so much worse than QCOM. Don’t get me started on extortion on media sites through app store. So have to own them.
Of course cake goes to ATT and Verizon, biggest ‘tax’ guys. Literally spending billions on TV commercial claiming zigabit speed, but 20 minutes to hit data cap. Instead of wasting billions, why not put up more towers, wifi spots?
Alas, most time on phone spent is on Facebook and games, so are we really proud of that?