[quote=ucodegen]The angle of the burnt out truck is unusual.. it is cross-road. Almost like he wants it to be found. Winter in Big Bear is not a good time to be out in the open. I wonder if the P-U is a diversion? He might be back towards LA.. They need to check for rental vehicles, and who rented them.
From a tactical point, it would be effective for him to have police looking for a person in a large mountainous area while being back down in town. He may have also put on skin lightener or ‘light makeup’.. since they are looking for a large black man. If he was going to ‘wait them out’ in the mountains, he might have burned the truck and then start shooting the police when they get to the truck before disappearing into the mountains. Instead he was no where to be found.[/quote]
This is exactly what I thought when they found the truck. This guy is not stupid.