[quote=ucodegen][quote=sdrealtor]And why is always the prudent renters whose tax dollars are supporting this. News flash, the prudent renters are a very small group and not the big taxpayers. It’s the rest of us prudent owners who make up the bulk of the taxpayers that are supporting this all.[/quote]Maybe the better term is the “Financially Prudent”.. because if you have paid off your house or are renting, you have have no mortgage interest deduction. If you have cash assets, inflation and overall poor return on investments will eat your assets.[/quote]
Yes, thank you, ucodegen.
While owners/non-renters might also be paying the taxes, if they own a house, they are benefitting from the artificially propped-up housing prices. Renters are losing on both ends.
FWIW, contrary to the stereotype, a lot of wealthy people rent for a variety of reasons.