No its not. I talked to them about it. Go through insurance, charge is full price, period. In addition, 30% is not equivalent to the time-value-of-money for the reimbursement period in question. Besides, why present one amount as the cost when using insurance cost while the real cost for using insurance is done under the table? Does not make sense.
Hopefully you misunderstand what I’m saying, otherwise you’re just wrong. Insurance companies do not pay full charges. For both HMO’s and Perferred Provider plans, rates for services are specifically negotiated. (That’s how physicians, hospitals and other allied health services get on to the insurance companies “approved” lists.) Most have negotiated rates anywhere from 30 to 90% of what cash customers are charged (before discounts) depending on the specific service. Most non HMO and non preferred provider plans also provide that they will reimburse “reasonable and customary” charges, which are almost invariably lower than full charges that doctors or hospitals will quote.