I still think it would be better to fire Congress and then start with subtle changes to the current system like allowing interstate competition and getting rid of the anti-trust exemption.
I think the best way is a progressive series of legislations.. This way you don’t make a big, hard to correct mistake.
1) remove anti-trust exemption
2) allow interstate competition
3) allow people to carry their insurance after job loss at their current payout rate(from the same provider) – but they also have to pay the company contrib part after the job loss.
4) Treat health savings accounts like a 401K.. unspent money can be rolled over to the next year.
5) Insurer can’t cancel a policy once a person has a systemic illness while covered. All of the payments the person made up to then was to cover such an event.
… just a start.[/quote]
This or some variation. And any additional changes done over time.