If people choose to eat the junk and be unhealthy, that’s their business and their own damn fault.
True.. but with Universal Health Care.. we all will be paying for it. Even if you decide to be healthy and take time to exercise, you’ll be paying for those who decide not to, to have a bad diet and be couch potatoes.[/quote]
You mean you health care premiums at your company are half those of your obese chain-smoking diabetic Rush/Moore lookalike co-workers today?
No, they are almost always identical except at a few firms where smoking is targeted, but premium difference is only few hundred/year.
Remember, the average Gov’t employee makes Moore look like Lance Armstrong and you pay for their health care.
Anyone who says they don’t want a fat tax (or Allan’s re-education boot camp) doesn’t realize that what your obese co-worker does directly affects your premiums. Small firms that have high claims get booted through massive hikes.
The Business Roundtable projects that health care costs will double in 10 years.
Guess that will make USA super competitive; all the jobs will come here.
So get over your false pretense of freedom unless you want 12% UE forever.