[quote=ucodegen]EECE 163 was known for having students ‘camp-in’ on the lab when the University was running it on timeshare Vax11/750, Ridge Pyramid or HP Snake.[/quote]
Hmm, I don’t remember getting on the VAXen was nearly so much an issue as getting on the AT&T 3B2’s which were used for EECS 70 (assembly level programming). There were probably 150 ppl in the class but only about 40 machines in the two labs. The second time I took that class (not kidding), I ended up changing my sleep cycle around just to be able to get a machine. I’d wake up at 3am, work in the lab till about 9am, then go to classes, study, have dinner, and then go to bed about 7pm.
If I was to give one piece of advice to college students it would be time management. If you have 4 hours to spend on a project that’s worth 5% of your grade, or a midterm that’s worth 25%, spend it on the midterm. Took me a long time to figure that one out. To this day I still have a difficult time of letting go of a project that’s not complete.