[quote=ucodegen][quote=CA renter]It is NOT “free” healthcare. They negotiate for wages and benefits, and they take lower wages in exchange for healthcare benefits and pensions. It’s all part of their compensation package. None of it is free.[/quote]
True.. but in a way.. half-true.
1) The health care ‘benefits’ that are part of their package are not listed as part of Soc Security taxable income, as if you were paying for it through tax deferred dollars. Teachers in Los Angeles are covered to 80%, carried by the state – even in retirement.
2) Many counties, the teachers do not pay into Soc Security – they have their own pension/retirement fund. (They also can’t pay into a 401, but they do have a 403b) SS tax is not taken out in these cases.
3) When teachers are complaining about how they are paid, they forget to mention #1 and #2.[/quote]
Perhaps I’m not understanding the “covered to 80% by the state – even in retirement” part, but when I worked for LAUSD, there were no healthcare benefits after retirement. They *used to get* these benefits, but they’ve been phased out for new-hires for a long time now (as they’ve been for most public employees).
In LAUSD, they do not pay into SS, but pay into their own retirement fund, CalSTRS. I suppose one could make the argument that their healthcare benefits should be taxed for SS purposes, but if they don’t receive SS benefits, one could see why they don’t pay SS taxes.