[quote-ucodegen]…There was no purpose surrendering the deed of trust in order to get her signature…[/quote]
Thank you.
[quote-ucodegen]…Property drops by $100K in value, meaning that you have a shared deficit of $100K. Split 50/50 means that you both have deficits of $50K each. Balancing that with the amount paid in from pre-marital assets, means that she is in negative territory to the tune of $50K-$28K or owes $22K. Your position ends up being $85K – $50K = $35K. Both of you lost $50K of asset value (shared loss – community property) when comparing pre and post marriage. This is basically the calc that would have been done if the property had been sold, and should have been done when dealing with the marriage settlement. (I initially thought the 85K was for something else, not related to property brought into the marriage.). NOTE: the cost of the divorce is also generally shared…[/quote]
This is what made me think that the OP’s attorney was “asleep at the switch.”
[quote=ucodegen]…There is an interesting quirk in the “stipulation and order” in that you may still have a right to have the $85K reimbursed. The way it was written does not tie it to the value of the property(condo), but from who? This is where an attorney might be useful. Oddly, you might be able to have the full amount assessed against the wife’s current assets and use that to reduce what is owed to the ex-in-laws (loan was not arms length). Does the “marriage settlement” mention anything with respect to this specific $85K?…[/quote]
If this $85K is not addressed in the OP’s MSA, I think he should file for a “characterization hg” (of the 2640 amt). He can then file an abstract on the ex for whatever judgment is awarded to him and then get a writ of execution and lien her wages for payments until it is paid off (assuming other creditors have not already liened her wages). But he should only do this AFTER the negative real property issue is disposed of … in that order.
[quote=ucodegen]** I wonder if anyone on this board knows a good attorney, particularly in the area of property, assets and marriage/divorce. An attorney needs to take a look at this mess (not one looking to charge as many hours as possible, or pad their hours). Maybe I am out of touch with today’s prices, but I don’t think frenchlambda got much for his $13K for restraining order and arbitrated divorce. The paperwork is too messy…[/quote]
I might be able refer the OP, if he pm’s me. frenchlambda, you will have a monthly retainer available for a few months if you end up stopping making your mortgage payments…Just saying…
[quote=ucodegen]If I am out of touch with today’s prices.. then I definitely went into the wrong field 8-P.[/quote]
I KNOW, ucodegen. I missed my “calling” at least 35 years ago. It is too late for me now, lol :={