, I am simply dumbfounded by your sense of superiority, arrogance and entitlement. Hopefully I misunderstand you.
Ah, another personal attack. Lets try dealing with the facts instead of using emotionally charged words and phrases in an attempt to tilt the discussion.. followed by a ‘naw, you couldn’t be that bad a person, I must be misunderstanding you’ type of phrase.
In your previous post, what was the point of even bringing up ‘racists screed’? Emotionally charged words, yes.. and it attempts to shut down discussion by trying to associate my position with that of a racist (something commonly viewed untenable). Thereby in that mechanism, it is also ‘name calling’ through association.
The first time (racist screed) was not a personal attack. This one was. You can address it as you wish. But if you think that children, bearing no responsibility as to the situation they find themselves in, are less worthy than other children simply because of the legal status of their parents, then all three (arrogance, sense of superiority and entitlement) apply. There really is no getting around that.
As to the rest, yeah, if you ignore some of the evidence, and only accept that which supports your position, you’ll probably win every argument.
And shutting down discussion? We’re still talking. Stop your whining. You chose your words. If they lead to logical conclusions, don’t complain when those conclusions are exposed.