uco post the address of the home and I can tell you what has gone on with it. Also just because it is 30% off from peak doesn’t mean it is priced well. Also how does it show, have you been inside it and have you also compared it to other homes in the area for sale. Finally, the market may not seem on fire to you but have you put any offers in on any homes? How serious are you of a buyer.
Again, for those sitting in front of a tube, the imagery is only that. Nothing but pictures on a screen. For those that have been out walking through homes, and asking the agent to write up offers, it is a reality that is quite ugly right now.
Also don’t confuse price or how far down a place is with a hot market. What I mean by a hot market is that there is alot of activity. That homes that are priced well and show well are going fast, now in fact very fast. That many and even most short sales you see on the computer that may have market times of 60 or 160 days do so only because the bank is processing offers, not because there are no offers. That inventory for many submarkets is quite poor compared to the same period in years past for that submarket.