Uco: Call me crazy, but I think if we’re in the throes of a full-blown zombie invasion, we probably aren’t going to be too concerned with laws and legalities.
True.. but if there is a zombie attack, you better have your weapons ahead of time. Once the zombies break loose, it will be nearly impossible to get any good weapons for a reasonable price. That was why I was restricting my choice to weapons a civi could get, invent or create out of available components (ie. 10KW laser).
Unless, of course, you’re thinking that California zombies will be the same assholes as existing State of California government and law enforcement members? You know, zombie police or zombie code enforcement officials. In a weird way, I could see it.
They did ban the 50 BMG. Was that a preemptive strike on the CA gov zombies part? It was supposedly done to help prevent ‘terrorism’, ignoring that these weapons are not light and are not easily concealed.
We’re also giving short shrift to fine General Electric products like the M214 minigun. Yeah, they’re real thirsty from an ammo standpoint, but they get the job done. Also, what about the Mk19 40mm? That would be good for busting up zombie hordes.
True.. The problem with the XM214 is that it takes battery power to run, recoil at 1000 rounds per minute is 11 lbs ( you can push it to 10,000 rounds per minute -> 110 lbs of recoil). You’ll also go through 60lbs of ammo in no time. Truck or turrent mounted, the XM214 works – just can’t hand carry it – only in the movies. Also, the XM214 fires a 5.56 round (see earlier projectile energy table). How about the good old Dillon M134 (its older bigger brother) which fires a 7.62 round. Definitely truck or turret mount because the recoil is 150lbs at 3000 rounds per minute.
And there is the M61A1(which has been outfitted for area defense as well as it original purpose)
Also, what about the Mk19 40mm?
That one also sounds useful.. run HE-frag grenades through it. Need to also add the MK47 to this list w/ smart grenades.
PS: I wonder how many telecom CIA/FBI sniffers we have tripped by now? Any black helicopters in your area? Remember that a lot of telecom data is being routed through a building in San Fran/San Jose area.