UCGal, you are definitely one of the few people out there who runs numbers for everything. It’s obvious in many of your posts. 🙂 You are 100% correct about different arrangements working out for different families.
I would NEVER advocate for any one particular way of running a household. Some mothers are crawling out of their skin after spending a few weeks with their newborns, while other mothers literally feel like they would die if they relinquished their babies to the care of strangers…and some fathers feel the very same way. I applaud all families who are able to work out whatever arrangements work best for them. What I advocate in this thread is that ALL work be fairly valued, both paid work and “unpaid” work (you get “paid” in savings). Just because women have traditionally worked in certain sectors for “free,” it doesn’t mean that their work has no value. The risks taken by families in the early years need to be borne by all parties to the marriage contract in the event of a dissolution many years or decades down the road. We need to protect every family’s ability to choose whatever works best for them. That should be our official goal WRT divorce and family law, IMHO.