[quote=UCGal]What made you arbitrarily pick 1986? Just curious.[/quote]1986 is when the ground broke within the first CFD in SD county, nka the “Lane Kuhn Cottages” and “Fieldstone Classics” just north of a brand new man-made lake known as “Eastlake” (Chula Vista 91913). Although there was a gap in years before 91914 was annexed and a much bigger gap before 91915 came to be, 1986/1987 was the beginning of the end for Chula Vista. The city’s issuance of subdivision permits just mushroomed out of control from there.
I want to add that I never objected to the 1991 buildout of Terra Nova (Chula Vista 91910) because it was right next to the fwy and therefore did not increase sprawl. In addition, it was not within any CFDs so those new residents could afford to cover their windows faster and keep their properties up better (they didn’t have 100’s of dollars per mo going to CFD(s)).
[quote=UCGal]FWIW – San Diego county has a bigger population now. Life marches on. A factor in my decision to retire is the fact that the north 805 construction, and the huge amount of traffic out of Sorrento Valley sometimes made my 6.5 mile commute take over an hour. That project won’t be done till 2017. I didn’t blame the workers, or the folks commuting. I just stopped commuting myself.[/quote]UCGal you must admit that one hour for a 6.5-mile daily commute in rush hour (on a regular basis?) is absolutely ridiculous. I’m sure you didn’t have this problem when you first took your most recent job. In my mind, that is a travesty. You are fortunate that you can just say, “F-it, I’m not doing this anymore because I don’t have to.” For your neighbors that work in tech and still have to work, they don’t have that choice. Your problem stems from residential overbuilding in adjacent zip codes to yours (not unlike the problem we have here in Chula Vista). Even though you were absent from CA for a number of years, the before and after images of UC and surrounds that you have in your mind tell the tale. I still think South UC is a very nice place to live. The lot sizes there are adequate (esp the corner lots) as are most of the setbacks. You are not mixed in with multifamily units. Be glad that Lightner has some sense and is doing what a bureaucrat who thoroughly understands “the system” does best … stalling until their hands are tied and they simply can’t do anything. Beautiful! I’m not sure you realize it but Lightner is your friend, UCGal!
[quote=UCGal]I was born here, but don’t have as much animosity towards people making the choice to move here as you do.[/quote]No, I wasn’t born here, UCGal, but have lived in CA for well over 50 years. That may have been longer than you have lived here when factoring in your lengthy? absence. I don’t have any animosity at all towards newcomers. My animosity is towards our elected and appointed officials who issued far to many subdivision permits and thus adversely affected the quality of life for 75% of county residents. That doesn’t have anything to do with newcomers. “Newcomers” are free to buy or rent existing housing in areas where no newer construction exists. That’s what they could have done here had their been no subdivision permits issued in the coastal zones in recent decades. I don’t believe “newcomers” or anyone else for that matter has the “right” (in ANY jurisdiction) to buy or rent new construction.
San Diego County had enough positive attributes during ALL of its history to attract “newcomers” without having to “lure” them with a constant supply of new construction to choose from. If they want to be here bad enough, they will find a place to live. If they don’t, or don’t want to live in what SD County has to offer, then they won’t move here. It’s their choice. These are the housing conditions in the SF Bay coastal counties and other, more rural but pristine CA counties as well and none of them are going to go BK or lose their population solely because their leaders were good stewards of their environment and thus created a great place to live for their residents. As it should be.