[quote=UCGal]The point is- 4s is not in the city – but some of it’s surroundings are. Regardless of the zip.
Your 1994 Thomas guide is interesting – but not a predictor, from the past, of what the present is.
Whether the city annexes it in the future is to be seen. I haven’t seen speculation for or against an annexation. I guess if you’re super curious you could email councilwoman Lightner or councilman DeMaio… Or you could look at your 2011 Thomas Guide and prognosticate.[/quote]
Absolutely, UCGal. However, the zip was initially applied for as a “City zip” and some of it is incorporated. This particular zip can never be changed to a “county zip” (92027) because that zip was utilized long ago by the City of Escondido. It is an anomaly that 4S is surrounded by the City on all sides (yes, even the parkland around the lake), save a small opening on the northwest side.
I don’t have a more current version of the TG and if I did, it wouldn’t help. I have no interest in prognostication. It is inconceivable to me that the City would give up the right to annexation of 4S PRIOR to or DURING the formation of the CFD’s. It is these CFD’s which would have heavily fueled City coffers in order to provide services for the area it encumbers and as a byproduct these funds would have perpetuated City government and its employees.
As an example, Chula Vista and Encinitas JUMPED as the chance to annex in portions of uninc area not only for the teeter funds but also for a portion of the Mello Roos generated. These funds served to expand the government of both cities proportionately to the extra population they absorbed.
Rather than e-mail Lightner and DeMaio who may not have the historical knowledge, the actual persons to get these answers from would be the City Planner, the City Manager, the City Attorney, the Mayor and the Council members in office, in position or seated at that time. Better yet, I believe the answers can be found in the City Council agendae, its backup documents and minutes in the 2000 – 2002 time period, along with the tapes of said meetings. In addition, more information can be found in County Board of Supervisors Meeting agendae, minutes and tapes from that era thru about 2003.
You are correct in that it is unknown at this time if the area will ever be annexed to the City San Diego. It is interesting, nonetheless, that 4S is an uninc “island unto itself,” sporting a “City” zip code :=]