One problem with alleys is that they require more road maintenance, nearly twice as much as front loading houses.[/quote]
Just so happens those have alleys AND garage in the back. An ally in back is not a requirement for a garage in the back, unless you want to make it a pull-through garage or avoid the side-of-the-house driveway. Those Bay Park houses have driveways leading back to the garage from the front.[/quote]
My house in PA had the garage at the back of the lot – driveway to the front. It’s one of the reasons I could confidently say this was not a *new* trend. That house and community was developed around 1900. I don’t think any of the houses in that area had garages in the front.
Wow, that’s gorgeous, UCGal! Do you have any regrets about moving back here? I know you grew up here, so that’s certainly a factor, but barring the history/friends/family factor, where would you prefer to live?