[quote=UCGal]Just a word of warning – I got a letter that looked VERY official that said I was being reassessed and stated what the new value was.
It was bogus. My big clue is that I’ve got obscenely low, prop 13 locked in, tax rates – so I’m not a good candidate for reassessment.
Seriously – though – this letter looked very official and governmenty… but in reading the very small (microscopic) print – they were looking for $$ – but it was written as if the $$ they asked for were for the Dec tax payment.
Read those letters carefully and do not send any checks. Pay directly to the county treasurer.[/quote]
I hear ya. This was official because the $240k reassess was exactly what my fiancee put of her form asking to reassess. She put a super low number thinking they would meet in the middle but they agreed to it! Go figure..