[quote=UCGal][quote=Djshakes]I don’t understand the vote regarding the commission members. They complied the report together but not all of them voted on it? The specifically word it in regards to being bi-partisan yet it was partisan in approval?[/quote] http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/dec/3/debt-panel-fails-test-vote/
Apparently it passed with a bipartison majority, but not the needed super majority. 11 of the 18 member commission voted for it.
The 7 that voted against it were bipartison… 3 republican elected officials, 3 democratic elected officials, and Andrew Stern, who is presumably a Dem since he was head of the SEIU in the past. (But I don’t know for sure… just a reasonable guess.)[/quote]
I suspect, and this is really no more than that, that the commission intentionally did not vote or file the report timely, so that no formal proposal would be made to congress. Most of those on the commission were either current or former members of congress. I’m guessing they didn’t really want to force congress to address so many of these hyper controversial issues. That, in my opinion anyway, was the extent of the bi-partisanship. They were united in avoiding the subject.