CA Renter – I think the earth just shifted on it’s axis. LOL.
Seriously, though. I wish you all happiness and a incident/stress free escrow.[/quote]
Thanks, UCGal. 🙂
Trust me, now that scaredy and I are in escrow (two of the most house-buying phobic posters I know), the market will drop like a rock. Truly, I have no doubt about this; but we’ve been looking for over seven years, and haven’t found a house that quite matches our needs/wants like this one at this price (still way too high, but we are giving up here).
Our house has those darned water toilets, but I’ve always thought incinerator toilets were a good idea. Will have to check out the composting toilets. We will be installing rainwater catchment barrels, though. Can’t understand why that’s not code in So Cal.