CA Renter – I think you and I are on the same page with respect to in-laws. As you know we built a casita (single level, detached, wheelchair friendly) for my inlaws. Our long term plan is to move into that when we retire… Our thinking is once the kids are gone we’ll need less space, so our current house can be rented to some other family with kids (income) and we’ll take that $ to travel or buy a boat. In the meantime we have a family friendly 2000sf house and my kids grandparents 100 ft away in their own house. Truly a good situation.
But we had to modify/build to get that setup. And the “family friendly” home is smaller than most people insist on now… needs updating. But it functions and we’re happy.[/quote]
You have no idea how much I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to be in your situation. Not only that, but you get to live on the same street where you grew up (IIRC?). Total paradise, IMHO.
We are always open to doing some major building/remodeling/additions when (if?) we buy, because what we want (what you have) is nearly impossible to find, and it’s in very high demand.
I also see 2-3 generations as the wave of the future, but don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. I’ve been trying to get my in-laws, who live in L.A., to move with us when we buy, but so far, they’re resistant (MIL lives in the house she grew up in, too, and there are emotional attachments).
You’ve done very well for yourselves, UCGal. I’m sure everything will work out very well for you because you were thinking about the long term and worked hard to make things fit your needs.
BTW, if we find a lot/house, I hope you won’t mind if I pick your brain on some ideas, as you’ve done pretty much exactly what we want to do. I’ll gladly pay you for your time and expertise. 🙂