[quote=UCGal][quote=CA renter]The feminists are trying to paint a picture of SAHPs as parasites who deserve nothing in return for their services. They are actively undermining the protections for SAHPs that many have worked so hard for over the years. [/quote]
Examples please.
Show that there is a feminist agenda to paint a picture of SAHPs as parasites. I’ve seen the exact opposite from groups I consider feminist. (Women’s professional societies, NOW, Ms Magazine, etc.)
And you still don’t get my point that working parents are still contributing to the household in a non-financially compensated way during non-work hours – you don’t get to claim the 24/7 hours for SAHP and not allow working parents to claim the off-hours as well. This refusal to see this point is incredibly frustrating.
Here- maybe this will make you feel better.
CAR – you are a wonderful parent, wife, homemaker, and you are worth billions of dollars to your family!!!! Far more than any other mother anywhere.[/quote]
It’s frustrating because I’ve posted **multiple times** that this work has the SAME value, whether it’s done by a SAHP, a wage-earning parent, or a third party (all else being equal).
I’m honestly bewildered about your posts. I have NEVER said that the contributions of wage earners, SAHPs, or some combination of both were in any way less valuable than another’s. And that’s really my point; the work of a SAHP is no less valuable than the work of a wage-earner. We’re apparently talking past each other for some reason.
And if you can’t see where BG has been trying to paint SAHPs as parasites, then I can’t help you. It’s all over this thread, as well as many others.