[quote=UCGal][quote=CA renter]
I am in no way claiming that we are out of the woods or that the “green shoots” are real. Just saying that **something** seems to have changed in the past few months. I think it’s always prudent to keep one’s eyes, ears, and mind open to what’s going on around us.
Wondering if anyone has seen something similar?[/quote]
That’s not what my husband is seeing. He’s seeing a shortage of jobs listed. He’s an architect with experience in commercial/office work, hosptitals (OSHPD), schools (DCA), airports (FAA). He’s very actively looking – but there aren’t any jobs out there. The CRE bubble collapsed after the housing bubble and is very affected by tightened credit.
Hospitals have tided things over in slow times in the past – but they have really tightened their budgets for new projects – doing only what is absolutely necessary.
Pretty much every architectural firm in San Diego is downsizing.[/quote]
I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s job situation. By no means are we “out of the woods” yet. Of course, as we move through the cycle, different industries will be hit and recover at different times. Architects might have a difficult time for a while; however, it’s possible he might see things pick up if the stimulus money get directed toward hospital expansions or new buildings or new government buildings (old city halls, fire/police stations, libraries, etc.).
I wish you and your husband luck, and if we hear anything, will let you know via a post here.