UCGal: Thanks. I was going to jump in there with both boots, but you stated the case much more simply, and forcefully.[/quote]
You’re welcome. I’m practicing being a nuanced progressive. LOL.[/quote]
UCGal: That can be tough, can’t it? I’m a “bitter clinger”, who likes guns, God and smaller government. In saying that, I apparently am also a misogynistic, homophobic, racist reactionary.
What’s truly sad is that this sort of attitude now informs the discourse between opposing points of view.
Brian talks about nuance and open-mindedness and then turns and slams anyone who doesn’t completely agree with his stance. Obama is above reproach, and has made no mistakes, rather, its the inability of those on the right to think clearly, or understand nuance or that Obama’s “cool” and “cerebral” approach will eventually win the day.
At some point, you just shake your head and realize that arguing with someone who has abandoned reason and is just going to repeat the Leftist mantra ad nauseum is pointless.
I speak regularly with a lady at my kid’s school who is avowedly left-wing. Her response to the drubbing that the Dems took was that there remains a “vast right-wing conspiracy” (her words), and that Americans are “too stupid” to comprehend Obama. She spat this out with considerable vitriol and said that we, as a country, we’re going to get what we deserved. What can you do? I smiled and wished her well.