All this talk about intellectual elitism cracks me up. There are ignorant bozos back east, too. In fact they’re more common than the elite intellectuals touted by other posters here. San Diego doesn’t have a lock on ignorant bozos. If you think San Diego doesn’t have intellectuals, perhaps you should look at the people you’re hangin’ with. There are plenty of PhD types around. Perhaps they’re just less snobby here. Talk to the other parents at your kids school – I am always surprised to see how many parents, even SAHMs, have advanced degrees among the parents of my kids’ peers.
Maybe we’re just less snooty here.[/quote]
Sheesh, no doubt. Thanks for saying it UCGal. I have lived on both coasts including these metropolitan areas people here are touting and I couldn’t agree more. I’d also argue that people back East are hardly more open-minded in general either.