[quote=UCGal]. . . Spreckels Elementary. Disclaimer – my sister teaches there. Spanish language magnet so it draws kids from throughout the district. This gives it the socioeconomic and racial diversity (and probably impacts the API scores). If you look at the API scores by race – white kids (neighborhood kids) do very well. (921). It has a Seminar program (super gifted kids). It has spanish language programs as part of it’s magnet. Very high parental involvement.
Disclaimer again: I considered choicing my kids into Spreckels for the diversity. I’m of the belief that kids need to see kids from different situations – life is not as insular as Curie . . .[/quote]
Overall, excellent posts, UCGal, as always.
I checked the “Hispanic” API scores at Spreckels last night and they are 770, which is very, very good for a population which may be partially ESL!