“Typical” case in point. Beverly Hills HS (BHHS) was built in 1927 and, although likely rehabbed over the years, its original architecture remains the same today (excepting for a state-of-the-art track/football field, lol).
[img_assist|nid=16548|title=Beverly Hills High School|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=84]
It even has a long-standing oil-pumping tower called the “Tower of Hope” situated on campus. Originally operated by Venoco Oil Co, it predates the building of the school!
Here’s the gym/maintenance “quonset hut” and a the oil tower shown amidst skyscrapers, lol!
[img_assist|nid=16550|title=BHHS “Gym” and oil tower|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=88|height=100]
It seems BHHS in the 90210 is “good enough” for its resident families whose property values are 3-10 times those of the average PUSD owner and thus its district didn’t see the need to take out a voluminous subprime loan to rehab schools.
Ironically, 90210 and surrounds IS an area where likely THOUSANDS of longtime homeowners’ property taxes are kept artificially low by Prop 13 and there is no MR.