The costs I used are adjusted for local market conditions and local costs. The fees alone would add up to over $35,000, which is much higher than for most other areas of the nation. Workmans Comp is more expensive here, the contractors charge more for their overhead, etc.. So compared to other areas of the nation, particularly those areas away from the coasts, costs here are always going to be a lot higher.
The “price” of a townhome or condo or apartment or office includes the contributory value of the site even if that individual site can’t be broken out from the whole. The land didn’t come free. You might not be able to buy the individual condo “site” out of a project, but if you divivded the project site by the number of units there would still be a value/unit attributable to the site.
Incidentally, the trailer park might sell as a whole, but the value of the whole is estimated on a price/space basis. Otherwise, a 6-space trailer park would be valued the same as a 160-unit project, which of course would never happen.