As tough and dangerous as the job is purported to be there seems to be no shortage of people willing to assume the job on a volunteer basis. Municipalities can massively reduce the number of professional firefighter’s on their staff’s if they are serious about reducing their budget’s.
And this applies to police officers, teachers, etc. There are multiples of qualified folks willing to do these jobs (for less compensation) for every opening.
Now, someone could rightfully argue that there are multiples of qualified folks willing to do the Highly Paid CEO’s job (for less compensation) as well and yet true market forces don’t appear to be fully at play with these positions either. And that’s a problem.
The difference, however, is that in the former case the TAXPAYERS’ money is at stake while in the latter case PRIVATE money is at stake (with the obvious exception of financial services firms who are on government life support – and these fuckers should have their pay cut WAY back).