“transportation”… anytime you see this it means that 80% of the funding goes to Caltrans and 10% to studies at SANDAG and then another 10% to the actual operation of mass or public transit.
If Mass transit was given the same fare share opportunity as highways to succeed in San Diego it could and would. With San Diego being spread out like it is, it would require that some people drive to Park and Ride lots were they could jump on a high frequency and fast service. Then,when they got to the end of the line (near their work site), they could either walk or jump on a shuttle or in a van pool. As long as the long haul service had priority and ran faster and didn’t travel out of direction, it would work.
Until caltrans and SANDAG figure this out, it’s going to be difficult. It will also be impossible for MTS to run quality service for those that would use it as long as they are operating on 1/6th of cent sales tax. If you weren’t aware MTS has one of the lowest subsidy transit systems in the US. It is however, the most under funded system in the states for the size city.
Well, it’s going to be hard to do anything now that gas is down to a dollar. Perfect timing for the oil industry to go low pro.