Tragic. I do suppose he was a sex offender, but was still in the grooming stages, and was stopped before he progressed to actual violation.
However, he was an ICON in our culture. He was a creative genius and provided many of us the best entertainment and music. I feel sorry that he had such a miserable life, and became a freakish creature as he aged. His talent was turned into product, and he became a mere object for the media and public to crucify. Despite his achievements, his inner torment and emptiness must have been unbearable.
I was 19 years old when Thriller was released. A group of us watched it together, video taped it and played it repeatedly, dancing and having so much fun. I thank Michael Jackson for giving me the experience to be happy and enjoy.
He died penniless, from what I can gather. I cannot imagine he was living in a rental and foreclosing on Neverland if his finances were so secure. It is really very sad.