To jump in quickly, it is best for you to call your agent directly as advised above and let him/her know how you feel. The questions you posed, especially regarding the contingencies are important. Moreover you should be telling the agent you feel as if you have no clue of what is going on, what is going to happen next, when it is going to happen, and you are concerned because you are spending alot of money on this home.
As a side note, (as a buyer) I would have expressed concern the minute you were advised not to get a physical inspection. Now I have had many a transaction (as I am sure all of the other realtors on this board have had) where all parties knew ahead of time that the sellers were not gonna kick in any money for any repairs however to not inspect at all is foolish.
As for the contingencies, generally you need to remove them in writing and if you have not signed anything then that bodes well for you. There could be an argument for an implicit removal. To be very safe you may want to sign an extension of the contingency period to cover yourself so that all parties acknowledge in writing that the contingency peridod was extended.