“To forum members, it gets worse for me. I did not pay rent for 2 months because I thought the senior lien would foreclose. The second mortgage holder (his mother)saved the loan 2 weeks before it was due to go to auction. Now I would have to pay the owner an extra $500 a month on top of the montly rent to stay to get caught up. I did not pay because I thought the house was going to foreclose. Now he wants me to pay the back 2 months rent. I used that money for bills (maybe I shouldn’t have) now I will be struggling if I stay here.”
So they want you to pay for housing that you lived in and agreed to pay rent on. If some one has gall itit you.
“I use the money to pay bills”
SO you wered over spending in the first place.
Here what you need to do. Hook up with a motgage broker and get yourself one of these nice negative amortizaiton loans. Do a 100% finance wiht interest only payments. Find yourself a realator who will help you stretch to find a house that you can sneak into. Lever there for a month and make no payments. I mean rent, morgage, responsibilities. WHat do you care. Somehow you feel you don’t have to pay.