[quote=threadkiller]Haven’t read the article yet but just heard Ford made a 2.8 Billion profit from debt reduction. What the hell is that? Is that like saying if Ford can get investors to buy 2.8 Billion of their stock they can call that a profit. If that is the case then I think it is obvious that the stock market is just a pyramid scheme. How can you make a profit without selling product or services,creative accounting I guess. I’m not anti Ford, I own a nice F-150, and would even recommend buying their stock, it just upsets me when I hear recovery buzz words when in fact the economy is crumbling.[/quote]
TK, read the article!!!
That is just it, Americans must be imbeciles to believe what we hear. The average investor is completely clueless. Our DOW is back up to 9,000 and Nasdaq almost 2K, on the sole premise that everything is getting better. How stupid can American’s be? My guess is old Goldman Sachs is preparing for the 2009 stock bubble. So many stocks that recovered from the end of 2008 are so overvalued it is absolutely ridiculous.