those who asked if I was that guy who posted all the questions about buying a house for 350k.. yeah that’s me.
yeah, I’m thinknig ahead about exit strategies IF the $hit hits the fan.
i’m STILL above water. NO house in my area has sold for what I paid. YET. π I’m one of those complacent people who will NOT sell or move if things just got slightly underwater.
but if it actually fell to 100k less than *I* paid…then I’d start thinking exit strategy.
We have no buyer’s remorse yet. We like our house, like our area, and after considering rents and what we pay to own – we think we are at worse breaking even right now. we could rent for less net dollars – but after factoring in taxes, etc… our mortgage (including HOAs taxes, and factoring the tax savings vs renting) is about what we would pay to rent possibly a smidgen higher to buy…but we didn’t have to incur moving costs/stress…which to us was worth something.
all in all we are still happy. when my house is worth 250k i won’t be happy and will be looking to bail. π we’ll see if it happens.
i’ll continue to check in from time to time and report what I see. so far I’m still happy with my decision.