This woman is the definition of our country. It shows how we are so dependent upon our government and how our government allows this happen. Guess why we are where we are with today’s economy because of corrupt politicians from both sides of the spectrum that were more concerned about lining their wallets than learning what it takes to keep a successful country running. The last 40 years+ this country has become a government of handouts and donations.
This stimulus won’t stimulate a country that can’t stimulate itself. Until we restructure this country to the extent where handouts are monitored and citizens are held accountable we will be in a long ugly depression.
Sometimes I wish I hadn’t been successful and worked so hard in my life. I have to work twice as hard now just to monitor all my investments and make sure that the next government move doesn’t cost me another chunk of change. Unfortunately I have to worry about much more than any person collecting a free paycheck every month and being comfortable with it! It would be much easier to live with nothing and know that someone was always there to bail me out. We live in a sick society.